Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 months later....

Well, it has, uh, been awhile...

A lot and not a lot has happened since the last post so either way it seems pointless to write much about the interim.

We are well. Ralph is also well, although he is taking antibiotics for a little infection in his male parts. To bad animal medicine isn't socialized (or should I say publicly-funded) here as well.

The St. Patrick's Day parade was last Sunday and it was quite the spectacle, or at least I think it was; we didn't see much of it given the enormous crowds downtown.

I had originally planned a grand update post, but perhaps it'll be best to ease back into this blogging thing*.

*Actually, the Red Wings just tied their game against the Oilers with <10 min left in the 3rd period, later!

Monday, December 15, 2008


I just took a walk down memory lane as Adam directed me to this article in the Detroit Free Press:

Guinea Pigs for Dinner

While not completely thrilled by any French Canadian cuisine (yet), I was a bit humbled by the memory of my diet in Ecuador. Not even a 'no thank you' helping of cow liver or pit fired guinea pig for me, thanks.
Though, we are really really curious about the "crispy spinach" which we have now been served twice at Chinese/ Korean restaurants. Somehow the chef crispifies the spinach and then covers it in SUGAR?! But not for dessert. What? Is that authentic?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Adam and Ralph enjoying aforementioned snow.

Mother Nature Reads Our Blog

There is SNOW in Montreal! We have been graced with more than 17 centimeters of snow since Tuesday morning and I am thrilled...really. After weeks of hearing about the abundance of snowfall from friends in the Mid-West, particularly in Southwest Michigan, I started to get anxious for our own winter wonderland. Mother Nature most certainly read my plea on this blog for a winter I could appreciate.
This storm was preceded by one of the coldest days I can remember (like Minnesota in your teeth feel cold and you can imagine the icicles on the inside of your lungs cold). Luckily, the system has warmed up a bit...unfortunately, enough to create some frozen rain overnight, a recipe for disaster on the roads. I literally just saw the Montreal Gazette change the headline from "Icy morning for Montrealers" to "Snowy morning for Montrealers." As long as we don't have to drive anywhere, I'll be thinkin' this snow is just the bee's knees.
Adam is still riding his bike, yikes...but, rest assured he wears a helmet and has reflexes like a kid who has been bouncing back from skateboard falls all his life.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Homeward Bound, soon anyhow...

Loyal Blog Followers,

I hope our absence has not caused our loyal readers dismay or caused defection. We have been quite busy as of late with our respective jobs and the like. I have my first Ph.D. committee meeting this week and have been preparing for that as well as organizing reviews and answering questions as part of my duties as TA for the evolution class. The final exam for said class was originally scheduled for Monday the 8th but had to be moved due to Quebec’s provincial election. So… it was held today! I can’t imagine the students thought it very ‘cool’ (that’s a word the youngsters here use to describe something they like) to have an exam at 9am on a Sunday but, you know, it builds character. With the exam out of the way I now get to spend the coming week grading all of them!!!


For those interested Grace and I will be coming back to our great state of Michigan on the 20th of December and will be there probably until the 4th of January. To say we are excited would be somewhat of an understatement. You could employ almost any adjective, positive and negative, to describe our life so far here in Montreal and our first four months of marriage (err…only positive adjectives here, OF COURSE!). A bit of a recharge and some ol’ home for the holidays spirit (read: getting fat on Connie’s (Grace’s mom) food and a few drinks at Crunchy’s) is just what the doctor ordered.


We made kombucha tea this past Friday. This effectively means putting a little disc of bacteria and yeast into sugar sweetened tea, with the result being a slightly sweet, acidic tea that of course, like any good oddball food from East Asia, has numerous purported health benefits. After the Christmas break we plan to start vermicomposting to get rid of our organic waste. Living on the third floor of an apartment building in the city is not very conducive to compost piles and constantly throwing away vegetable matter really eats at my conscience. I’ll spare the details of what vermicomposting actually entails as they might offend the sensibilities of some of our readers.

Anyway, we look forward to seeing those of you that we will and wish we could see those of you that we won’t!

- A & G

P.S. Canada has been experiencing somewhat of a political meltdown/crisis/kerfuffle lately. You should check it out.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birds of a feather...

Over the weekend Adam and I each had our own moments of great naivety or airheadedness. That we both have these ditsy moments assures, for me anyway, that we are in fact as compatible as we pretend to be.

In explaining to me that an evolution exam will be rescheduled over a weekend....
Adam: "There is a law that says that the university can't schedule exams on a provincial election day."
Grace: "Oh really?"
Adam: "Yeah, so it's got to be that Sunday the 7th because the provincial elections are on the 8th."
Me: "Oh, the election is that Monday?"
Adam: "Is it a Monday? I don't know."
Grace: "Umm, well you just said that Sunday is the 7th."
Adam: "Oh...then yeah."

And then in my moment of glory.....
Last night we went to see Synecdoche, New York. Since then we've been collaboratively trying to interpret the film's abstract themes (not an easy feat). The movie going experience came up again this morning.
Grace: "Oh hey, this has nothing to do with the movie, but did you see the woman who came out of the bathroom with me? Her jacket looked just like one of those SECURITY parkas but it said ANTI-PIRACY in block letters on the back."
Adam: "No, I didn't see that. Wow."
Grace: "Yeah, she must feel pretty strongly about napster and stuff to make a statement like that with her outfit."
Adam: "No, I think she probably worked for the theater and makes sure nobody pirates the movies."
Grace: "Oh, yeah."

Oh goodness.